Article appeared in the July + August 2024 issue of ACUHO-I's Talking Stick magazine
Unringing the Bell: Hall renovations can be a chance to respect legacy and preserve identity
The bell eventually tolls for even the finest residence hall. No matter how soaring and innovative they appeared to be when first constructed, eventually their initial glory fades. When the hall is evaluated for either demolition or renovation, the first topic of discussion typically centers on the financial aspects of undertaking such a complex project. Considering the cost of updating aging systems, providing accessibility within buildings constructed before current codes, and reconfiguring the building's layout and technology to create modern spaces and amenities, it's no wonder that the budgeting decision is generally the starting point.
There are practical reasons for selecting renovation versus building a new hall. When a campus opts to udate an older hall - usually located closer to the heart of the campus - it also improves access to campus facilities. However, many times, just beyond the budgets and the brick and mortar resides a priceless gem that has developed over time within an older residence hall. Like the proverbial pearl inside an oyster, a building's identity, tradition, and legacy should not be overlooked when considering its renovation.
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